Friday, December 08, 2006


5 rules for an empty inbox

The Download Squad weblog posts 5 rules for keeping an empty inbox. A couple highlights:
  1. If you don't need to read it now, it shouldn't be in your inbox.
  2. If you've already responded to it, it shouldn't be in your inbox.
It's a great list, and one that should be at least somewhat familiar for any hardcore GTDer. The post has a focus on Gmail, but the ideas are applicable to any inbox. Empty inbox zen is a goal we're constantlystrivingfor around these parts, but it's always helpful to get a new perspective/reminder of where you might want to tighten up the screws a bit. Got your own inbox zero rules? Let's hear 'em in the comments. — Adam Pash
Five simple rules for keeping an empty inbox [Download Sqad]
(Via Lifehacker.)

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