Friday, January 26, 2007


Nokia N95 - first impressions

Nokia N95
AAS - all about Symbian has got a Nokia N95 to play with and they have already post an article featuring their first impressions and some sample images. The main advantage with the Nokia N95 compared to other phones is the built-in GPS and the 5 megapixel camera. Oh, and don’t miss out on the last part of the article - the holy unboxing ceremony.
Nokia N95 First Impressionse’ []

(Via Fosfor Gadgets.)

Friday, January 05, 2007


Boot Linux from a flash drive

Run Linux from a CD? How 20th-century. Now you can boot the Linux distro Knoppix right from your USB flash drive. A simple new tutorial shows you how.
All you need is a 1GB-or-larger flash drive, an HP drive-formatting utility, and the USB version of Knoppix. Links to the latter two downloads are included in the tutorial. The entire installation process requires just six steps; it's so easy even a Lifehacker editor can do it.
Alas, I had trouble getting the distro to run on my Dell Latitude. It seemed to load okay, but then I was faced with a blank screen. Still, this should work, and I'll definitely try it on some other machines. In the meantime, check out our other post on installing Linux on a flash drive, this one based on Damn Small Linux rather than Knoppix. — Rick Broida
All in One USB Knoppix 5.1.0 zip []

(Via Lifehacker.)

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Chill a Coke in 2 minutes


Mythbusters TV show host Adam Savage drops science on how to make a warm can of Coke cold in under 2 minutes over on Ask MetaFilter.
That would be about 20-25 minutes in a freezer. If you put [the can] in a bucket of ice, that would halve that time. If you put water in that ice, it'd be cold (+- 5c) enough to drink in about 4-6 minutes, if you put salt in that water, you'd reduce the chill time to just over 2 minutes. Agitating the can in the water, rolling it around, reduces the chill time even more.

The fastest possible way is to grab a CO2 fire extinguisher and unload that sucker on the can.
While our lawyers tell us not to recommend the fire extinguisher route, salt in an ice water bucket is doable. (And if you haven't seen Mythbusters, you're missing out. That show is a MacGyvering lifehacker's dream come true.) — Gina Trapani
How long in the freezer to chill a Coke from 89F to 35F? [Ask MeFi via A Whole Lotta Nothing]

(Via Lifehacker.)

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